Sunday, June 14, 2009

My four favorite C's

Are cilantro, cumin, cayenne, and cinnamon. Almost everything I make has one or more of these things. And this recipe has all of them! Plus, I don't think it's too expensive, the only "splurge" is dried apricots. I didn't buy the ingredients at once because I wait for sales (or farmer's market trips) so I can't really judge. But it makes a TON. Seriously, I'm pretty sure it could feed me for two weeks, at least for dinner. Oh and it's so tasty, mostly because it has the fantastic four c's :) (plus chicken and chickpeas). And it's "Moroccan?" Somehow I don't think this counts towards my quota. Sorry it's not my own recipe, I think the humidity is killing my creativity. Well, I guess I only have creativity when it comes to sweets and it's too hot to bake and I'm kind of holding off for my pi pie pan to come back with me next weekend and for real Georgia peaches (I still haven't had one and it's been almost a year).

Moroccan Chicken, Chickpea and Apricot Tagine

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